Welcome everyone, to the official Squidbots blog! On here, we will be posting team updates, pictures, and the latest Squidbots news!
Who are we?
We are a first-year FTC (First Tech Challenge) team, although a few of our members have been in a different robotics group before. We are a team of six, ages 14-17, with a range of different skills and hobbies. You can read a bit more of each of us individually on the "Our Team" page.
What do we do?
We started our weekly meetings in July 2015. For our first meetings we have been actively seeking out sponsors and other ways to earn money for our team. So far, we have had a garage sale and car wash. We have also volunteered at Palmer Day, a local annual summer event, and helped Mr. P finish his outbuilding. We currently have eight sponsors. In mid-September we began working on our robot and learning how the phones, programming, gamepads, and other robot parts run and work.
If you have any questions about our team, about FTC, or if you want to come take a look at what we do you can contact us at ftcsquidbots@hotmail.com. You can also subscribe to this blog to get a notification every time we post!
We look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
The Squidbots