We would like to update you all on what our team is up to! Every meeting each team member takes notes individually on what goes on at that meeting. We also take everyones goals, accomplishments, and notes and make team notes. These notes are what we will be compiling for our Engineering Log which we will turn in to the judges at the tournaments. Tonight, we thought we would share with you some of the team notes!
- Finish building the mountain we started Sunday
- Build the second mountain
- Program the robot to pick up a cup successful
- Ben and Jacob working on programming and...THE ROBOT PICKED UP THE CUP!
- We also got the robot to begin to climb the completed mountain. (video at end of post) However, it did not even make it past the first "churro" before it tipped over!
- Discussed possible ways to make the robot get over the first "churro" on the mountain (getting bigger wheels, using tracks, making our robot taller, evening out the weight, etc..)
- All our goals (getting the robot to pick up the cup, building the mountains) were met tonight! Because of this, we were able to move farther along by experimenting with the robot going up the mountain and exploring options to make the robots go up with more ease.
So there you have it! We had a very successful evening! Not only did we achieve our goals for the night, but we were able to accomplish beyond that and make our robot drive onto the mountain for the first time! Some awesome progress was made!
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check back frequently to hear our latest news! You can also subscribe to our blog by submitting your email in the sidebar!
The Squidbots
Don't forget to watch our robot attempt the mountain for the first time!